Python Examples
This pages is created based on the content in the PythonExamples folder located inside the rips module, made available online for convenience.
All Cases
# This example will connect to ResInsight, retrieve a list of cases and print info
# Import the ResInsight Processing Server Module
import rips
# Connect to ResInsight
resinsight = rips.Instance.find()
if resinsight is not None:
# Get a list of all cases
cases = resinsight.project.cases()
print("Got " + str(len(cases)) + " cases: ")
for case in cases:
print("Case id: " + str(
print("Case name: " +
print("Case type: " + case.__class__.__name__)
print("Case file name: " + case.file_path)
print("Case reservoir bounding box:", case.reservoir_boundingbox())
timesteps = case.time_steps()
for t in timesteps:
print("Year: " + str(t.year))
print("Month: " + str(t.month))
if isinstance(case, rips.EclipseCase):
print("Getting coarsening info for case: ",,
coarsening_info = case.coarsening_info()
if coarsening_info:
print("Coarsening information:")
for c in coarsening_info:
"[{}, {}, {}] - [{}, {}, {}]".format(
c.min.x, c.min.y, c.min.z, c.max.x, c.max.y, c.max.z
All Simulation Wells
# This example will connect to ResInsight, retrieve a list of
# simulation wells and print info
# Import the ResInsight Processing Server Module
import rips
# Connect to ResInsight
resinsight = rips.Instance.find()
if resinsight is not None:
# Get a list of all wells
cases = resinsight.project.cases()
for case in cases:
print("Case id: " + str(
print("Case name: " +
timesteps = case.time_steps()
sim_wells = case.simulation_wells()
for sim_well in sim_wells:
print("Simulation well: " +
for tidx, timestep in enumerate(timesteps):
status = sim_well.status(tidx)
cells = sim_well.cells(tidx)
"timestep: "
+ str(tidx)
+ " type: "
+ status.well_type
+ " open: "
+ str(status.is_open)
+ " cells:"
+ str(len(cells))
All Wells
# This example will connect to ResInsight, retrieve a list of wells and print info
# Import the ResInsight Processing Server Module
import rips
# Connect to ResInsight
resinsight = rips.Instance.find()
if resinsight is not None:
# Get a list of all wells
wells = resinsight.project.well_paths()
print("Got " + str(len(wells)) + " wells: ")
for well in wells:
print("Well name: " +
Alter Wbs Plot
# Load ResInsight Processing Server Client Library
import rips
import tempfile
# Connect to ResInsight instance
resinsight = rips.Instance.find()
# Get the project
project = resinsight.project
# Find all the well bore stability plots in the project
wbsplots = project.descendants(rips.WellBoreStabilityPlot)
# Chose a sensible output folder
dirname = tempfile.gettempdir()
# Loop through all Well Bore Stability plots
for wbsplot in wbsplots:
# Set depth type a parameter and export snapshot
wbsplot.depth_type = "TRUE_VERTICAL_DEPTH_RKB"
# Example of setting parameters for existing plots
params = wbsplot.parameters()
params.user_poisson_ratio = 0.12345
Case Grid Group
import os
import rips
resinsight = rips.Instance.find()
test_model_path = "e:/gitroot-second/ResInsight/TestModels"
case_paths = []
case_paths.append(test_model_path + "/Case_with_10_timesteps/Real0/BRUGGE_0000.EGRID")
case_paths.append(test_model_path + "/Case_with_10_timesteps/Real10/BRUGGE_0010.EGRID")
case_paths.append(test_model_path + "/Case_with_10_timesteps/Real30/BRUGGE_0030.EGRID")
case_paths.append(test_model_path + "/Case_with_10_timesteps/Real40/BRUGGE_0040.EGRID")
for case_path in case_paths:
assert os.path.exists(
), "You need to set valid case paths for this script to work"
case_group = resinsight.project.create_grid_case_group(case_paths=case_paths)
view = case_group.views()[0]
view.apply_cell_result("DYNAMIC_NATIVE", "PRESSURE_DEV")
Case Grid Group Generated Results
import os
import rips
resinsight = rips.Instance.find()
# ResInsight includes some test models. Adjust this path to fit your system
test_model_path = "e:/gitroot-second/ResInsight/TestModels"
case_paths = []
case_paths.append(test_model_path + "/Case_with_10_timesteps/Real0/BRUGGE_0000.EGRID")
case_paths.append(test_model_path + "/Case_with_10_timesteps/Real10/BRUGGE_0010.EGRID")
case_paths.append(test_model_path + "/Case_with_10_timesteps/Real30/BRUGGE_0030.EGRID")
case_paths.append(test_model_path + "/Case_with_10_timesteps/Real40/BRUGGE_0040.EGRID")
for case_path in case_paths:
assert os.path.exists(
), "You need to set valid case paths for this script to work"
case_group = resinsight.project.create_grid_case_group(case_paths=case_paths)
cases = case_group.descendants(rips.EclipseCase)
print("Got " + str(len(cases)) + " cases: ")
for case in cases:
time_step_info = case.time_steps()
porv_results = case.active_cell_property("STATIC_NATIVE", "PORV", 0)
for time_step_index in range(0, len(time_step_info)):
pressure_results = case.active_cell_property(
"DYNAMIC_NATIVE", "PRESSURE", time_step_index
results = []
for pressure, porv in zip(pressure_results, porv_results):
results.append(pressure * porv)
# set the computed values in the case
results, "GENERATED", "PRESSURE_PORV", time_step_index
"Case id: " + str(,
" Case name: " +,
" : Calculation complete",
print("Transferred all results back to ResInsight")
property_type = "GENERATED"
property_name = "PRESSURE_PORV"
statistics_case = case_group.create_statistics_case()
statistics_case.set_source_properties(property_type, [property_name])
view = statistics_case.create_view()
statistics_property_name = property_name + "_MEAN"
result_type=property_type, result_variable=statistics_property_name
Case Info Streaming Example
# This example will get the cell info for the active cells for the first case
# Import the ResInsight Processing Server Module
import rips
# Connect to ResInsight
resinsight = rips.Instance.find()
# Get the first case. This will fail if you haven't loaded any cases
case = resinsight.project.cases()[0]
# Get the cell count object
cell_counts = case.cell_count()
print("Number of active cells: " + str(cell_counts.active_cell_count))
print("Total number of reservoir cells: " + str(cell_counts.reservoir_cell_count))
# Get information for all active cells
active_cell_infos = case.cell_info_for_active_cells()
# A simple check on the size of the cell info
assert cell_counts.active_cell_count == len(active_cell_infos)
# Print information for the first active cell
print("First active cell: ")
Cell Result Data
# This script retrieves cell result data and alters it
import rips
resinsight = rips.Instance.find()
view = resinsight.project.views()[0]
results = view.cell_result_data()
print("Number of result values: ", len(results))
newresults = []
for i in range(0, len(results)):
newresults.append(results[i] * -1.0)
Command Example
# This example will show setting time step, window size and export snapshots and properties
import os
import tempfile
import rips
# Load instance
resinsight = rips.Instance.find()
# Set window sizes
resinsight.set_main_window_size(width=800, height=500)
resinsight.set_plot_window_size(width=1000, height=1000)
# Retrieve first case
case = resinsight.project.cases()[0]
# Get a view
view1 = case.views()[0]
# Clone the view
view2 = view1.clone()
# Set the time step for view1 only
# Set cell result to SOIL
view1.apply_cell_result(result_type="DYNAMIC_NATIVE", result_variable="SOIL")
# Create a temporary directory which will disappear at the end of this script
# If you want to keep the files, provide a good path name instead of tmpdirname
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(prefix="rips") as tmpdirname:
print("Temporary folder: ", tmpdirname)
# Set export folder for snapshots and properties
resinsight.set_export_folder(export_type="SNAPSHOTS", path=tmpdirname)
resinsight.set_export_folder(export_type="PROPERTIES", path=tmpdirname)
# Export all snapshots
assert len(os.listdir(tmpdirname)) > 0
# Export properties in the view
# Check that the exported file exists
expected_file_name = + "-" + str("3D_View") + "-" + "T2" + "-SOIL"
full_path = tmpdirname + "/" + expected_file_name
# Print contents of temporary folder
assert os.path.exists(full_path)
Create And Export Stim Plan Model
# Load ResInsight Processing Server Client Library
import rips
import tempfile
from os.path import expanduser
from pathlib import Path
# Connect to ResInsight instance
resinsight = rips.Instance.find()
# Example code
project = resinsight.project
# Look for input files in the home directory of the user
home_dir = expanduser("~")
elastic_properties_file_path = (Path(home_dir) / "elastic_properties.csv").as_posix()
print("Elastic properties file path:", elastic_properties_file_path)
facies_properties_file_path = (Path(home_dir) / "facies_id.roff").as_posix()
print("Facies properties file path:", facies_properties_file_path)
# Find a case
cases = resinsight.project.cases()
case = cases[1]
# Use the last time step
time_steps = case.time_steps()
time_step = time_steps[len(time_steps) - 1]
# Create stim plan model template
fmt_collection = project.descendants(rips.StimPlanModelTemplateCollection)[0]
stim_plan_model_template = fmt_collection.append_stim_plan_model_template(
stim_plan_model_template.overburden_formation = "Garn"
stim_plan_model_template.overburden_facies = "Shale"
stim_plan_model_template.underburden_formation = "Garn"
stim_plan_model_template.underburden_facies = "Shale"
stim_plan_model_template.overburden_height = 68
print("Overburden: ", stim_plan_model_template.overburden_formation)
# Set eclipse result for facies definition
eclipse_result = stim_plan_model_template.facies_properties().facies_definition()
eclipse_result.result_type = "INPUT_PROPERTY"
eclipse_result.result_variable = "OPERNUM_1"
# Set eclipse result for non-net layers
non_net_layers = stim_plan_model_template.non_net_layers()
non_net_layers_result = non_net_layers.facies_definition()
non_net_layers_result.result_type = "STATIC_NATIVE"
non_net_layers_result.result_variable = "NTG"
non_net_layers.formation = "Not"
non_net_layers.facies = "Shale"
# Add some pressure table items
pressure_table = stim_plan_model_template.pressure_table()
pressure_table.add_pressure(depth=2800.0, initial_pressure=260.0, pressure=261.0)
pressure_table.add_pressure(depth=3000.0, initial_pressure=270.0, pressure=273.0)
pressure_table.add_pressure(depth=3400.0, initial_pressure=274.0, pressure=276.0)
pressure_table.add_pressure(depth=3800.0, initial_pressure=276.0, pressure=280.0)
print("Pressure table ({} items)".format(len(pressure_table.items())))
for item in pressure_table.items():
"TDVMSL [m]: {} Initial Pressure: {} Pressure: {}".format(
item.depth, item.initial_pressure, item.pressure
# Add some scaling factors
elastic_properties = stim_plan_model_template.elastic_properties()
formation="Garn", facies="Calcite", property="YOUNGS_MODULUS", scale=1.44
well_name = "B-2 H"
# Find a well
well_path = project.well_path_by_name(well_name)
print("well path:", well_path)
stim_plan_model_collection = project.descendants(rips.StimPlanModelCollection)[0]
export_folder = tempfile.gettempdir()
stim_plan_models = []
# Create and export a StimPlan model for each depth
measured_depths = [3200.0, 3400.0, 3600.0]
for measured_depth in measured_depths:
# Create stim plan model at a give measured depth
stim_plan_model = stim_plan_model_collection.append_stim_plan_model(
# Make the well name safer to use as a directory path
well_name_part = well_name.replace(" ", "_")
directory_path = Path(export_folder) / "{}_{}".format(
well_name_part, int(measured_depth)
# Create the folder
directory_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
print("Exporting fracture model to: ", directory_path)
# Create a fracture mode plot
stim_plan_model_plot_collection = project.descendants(
stim_plan_model_plot = stim_plan_model_plot_collection.append_stim_plan_model_plot(
print("Exporting fracture model plot to: ", directory_path)
print("Setting measured depth and perforation length.")
stim_plan_models[0].measured_depth = 3300.0
stim_plan_models[0].perforation_length = 123.445
Create Intersection
# Load ResInsight Processing Server Client Library
import math, time
import rips
resinsight = rips.Instance.find()
# The coordinates in this example is based on the Drogon test case from Equinor
file_path = "e:/models/from_equinor_sftp/drogon-real0-iter3/DROGON-0.EGRID"
case = resinsight.project.load_case(file_path)
view = case.create_view()
intersection_coll = resinsight.project.descendants(rips.IntersectionCollection)[0]
# Add a CurveIntersection and set coordinates for the polyline
intersection = intersection_coll.add_new_object(rips.CurveIntersection)
intersection.points = [
[45854, 595757, 1500],
[46493, 534259.1, 1500],
[46598, 590044.1, 1500],
# Add a new modeled well path
well_path_coll = resinsight.project.descendants(rips.WellPathCollection)[0]
well_path = well_path_coll.add_new_object(rips.ModeledWellPath) = "Test Well-1"
# Set reference coordinate
geometry = well_path.well_path_geometry()
reference_point = geometry.reference_point
reference_point[0] = 458580
reference_point[1] = 5935514
reference_point[2] = 1742
geometry.update() # Commit updates back to ResInsight
# Create the first well target at the reference point
coord = [0, 0, 0]
# Append well target with fixed azimuth
coord = [2229.10, -833.74, -74.70]
target = geometry.append_well_target(
coord, use_fixed_azimuth=True, fixed_azimuth_value=45.1
# Append well target with fixed inclination
coord = [3403.15, -1938.61, -80.93]
target = geometry.append_well_target(
coord, use_fixed_inclination=True, fixed_inclination_value=115.2
coord = [4577.21, -3043.47, -87.15]
target = geometry.append_well_target(coord)
# Read out estimated dogleg and azimuth/inclination for well targets
for w in geometry.well_path_targets():
"DL1:{} DL2:{} Azi: {} Incl: {}".format(
# Add a curve intersection based on the modeled well path
well_path_intersection = intersection_coll.add_new_object(rips.CurveIntersection)
well_path_intersection.type = "CS_WELL_PATH"
well_path_intersection.well_path = well_path
Create Surface From Thermal Fracture
#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf-8
import rips
import tempfile
from os.path import expanduser
from pathlib import Path
import numpy as np
import pyvista as pv
def generate_surface_from_file(path):
point_cloud_data = np.loadtxt(path, delimiter=" ", skiprows=1)
# Get [x, y, z] components in separate matrix
num_rows = point_cloud_data.shape[0]
xyz = point_cloud_data[0:num_rows, 0:3]
# Generate surface
cloud = pv.PolyData(xyz)
surf = cloud.delaunay_2d()
# Read properties names from header data
f = open(path)
header = f.readline()
properties = header.strip().split(" ")
return (surf, point_cloud_data, properties)
def export_surface_as_ts_file(surf, point_cloud, properties, path):
# open text file
text_file = open(path, "w")
# write GOCAD header
top_header = """GOCAD TSurf 1
properties_str = "PROPERTIES " + " ".join(properties)
bottom_header = """
NAME Default
AXIS_UNIT "m" "m" "m"
i = 1
(num_rows, num_props) = point_cloud.shape
for row in range(0, num_rows):
x = point_cloud[row, 0]
y = point_cloud[row, 1]
z = point_cloud[row, 2]
txt = "PVRTX {} {:.3f} {:.3f} {:.3f} ".format(i, x, y, z)
for property_index in range(0, num_props):
txt += "{:.3f} ".format(point_cloud[row, property_index])
txt += "\n"
i += 1
mysurface = surf.faces.reshape(-1, 4)
for p in mysurface:
txt = "TRGL {} {} {}\n".format(p[1] + 1, p[2] + 1, p[3] + 1)
# Connect to ResInsight instance
resinsight = rips.Instance.find()
project = resinsight.project
fractures = project.descendants(rips.ThermalFractureTemplate)
print("Number of thermal fractures: ", len(fractures))
temp_folder = tempfile.gettempdir()
# Write results to a suitable directory
home_dir = expanduser("~")
for fracture in fractures:
fracture_name = fracture.user_description
# Create the ouput directory
output_directory = (
Path(home_dir) / "thermal_fracture_surfaces" / "{}".format(fracture_name)
output_directory.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
print("Creating result directory: ", output_directory.as_posix())
time_steps = fracture.time_steps().values
for time_step_index, time_step in enumerate(time_steps):
"Generating surface for time step #{}: {}".format(
time_step_index, time_step
temp_file_path = Path(temp_folder) / ""
file_path=temp_file_path.as_posix(), time_step=time_step_index
# Reconstruct a surface from the exported values file
(surface, point_cloud, properties) = generate_surface_from_file(
# Export surface ts file from the surface data
output_file_path = output_directory / "time_step_{:03d}.ts".format(
surface, point_cloud, properties, output_file_path.as_posix()
"Wrote surface for time step #{} to {}".format(
time_step, output_file_path.as_posix()
Create Wbs Plot
import os
import grpc
# Load ResInsight Processing Server Client Library
import rips
# Connect to ResInsight instance
resInsight = rips.Instance.find()
# Get all GeoMech cases
cases = resInsight.project.descendants(rips.GeoMechCase)
# Get all well paths
well_paths = resInsight.project.well_paths()
# Ensure there's at least one well path
if len(well_paths) < 1:
print("No well paths in project")
# Create a set of WbsParameters
params = rips.WbsParameters()
params.user_poisson_ratio = 0.23456
params.user_ucs = 123
# Loop through all cases
for case in cases:
assert isinstance(case, rips.GeoMechCase)
min_res_depth, max_res_depth = case.reservoir_depth_range()
# Find a good output path
case_path = case.file_path
folder_name = os.path.dirname(case_path)
# Import formation names
# create a folder to hold the snapshots
dirname = os.path.join(folder_name, "snapshots")
print("Exporting to: " + dirname)
for well_path in well_paths[0:4]: # Loop through the first five well paths
# Create plot with parameters
wbsplot = case.create_well_bore_stability_plot(, time_step=0, parameters=params
Error Handling
# This example demonstrates the use of ResInsight exceptions
# for proper error handling
import rips
import grpc
import tempfile
resinsight = rips.Instance.find()
case = None
# Try loading a non-existing case. We should get a grpc.RpcError exception from the server
case = resinsight.project.load_case("Nonsense")
except grpc.RpcError as e:
"Expected Server Exception Received while loading case: ", e.code(), e.details()
# Try loading well paths from a non-existing folder. We should get a grpc.RpcError exception from the server
well_path_files = resinsight.project.import_well_paths(
except grpc.RpcError as e:
"Expected Server Exception Received while loading wellpaths: ",
# Try loading well paths from an existing but empty folder. We should get a warning.
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdirname:
well_path_files = resinsight.project.import_well_paths(
assert len(well_path_files) == 0
assert resinsight.project.has_warnings()
print("Should get warnings below")
for warning in resinsight.project.warnings():
except grpc.RpcError as e:
print("Unexpected Server Exception caught!!!", e)
case =
if case is not None:
results = case.active_cell_property("STATIC_NATIVE", "PORO", 0)
active_cell_count = len(results)
# Send the results back to ResInsight inside try / except construct
case.set_active_cell_property(results, "GENERATED", "POROAPPENDED", 0)
print("Everything went well as expected")
except: # Match any exception, but it should not happen
# Add another value, so this is outside the bounds of the active cell result storage
# This time we should get a grpc.RpcError exception, which is a server side error.
case.set_active_cell_property(results, "GENERATED", "POROAPPENDED", 0)
print("Everything went well??")
except grpc.RpcError as e:
print("Expected Server Exception Received: ", e)
except IndexError:
print("Got index out of bounds error. This shouldn't happen here")
# With a chunk size exactly matching the active cell count the server will not
# be able to see any error as it will successfully close the stream after receiving
# the correct number of values, even if the python client has more chunks to send
case.chunk_size = active_cell_count
case.set_active_cell_property(results, "GENERATED", "POROAPPENDED", 0)
print("Everything went well??")
except grpc.RpcError as e:
print("Got unexpected server exception", e, "This should not happen now")
except IndexError:
print("Got expected index out of bounds error on client side")
Export Contour Maps
# Load ResInsight Processing Server Client Library
import rips
import tempfile
import pathlib
# Connect to ResInsight instance
resInsight = rips.Instance.find()
# Data will be written to temp
tmpdir = pathlib.Path(tempfile.gettempdir())
# Find all eclipse contour maps of the project
contour_maps = resInsight.project.descendants(rips.EclipseContourMap)
print("Number of eclipse contour maps:", len(contour_maps))
# Export the contour maps to a text file
for index, contour_map in enumerate(contour_maps):
filename = "eclipse_contour_map" + str(index) + ".txt"
filepath = tmpdir / filename
print("Exporting to:", filepath)
# The contour maps is also available for a Case
cases = resInsight.project.cases()
for case in cases:
contour_maps = case.descendants(rips.GeoMechContourMap)
# Export the contour maps to a text file
for index, contour_map in enumerate(contour_maps):
filename = "geomech_contour_map" + str(index) + ".txt"
filepath = tmpdir / filename
print("Exporting to:", filepath)
Export Plots
# Import the tempfile module
import tempfile
# Load ResInsight Processing Server Client Library
import rips
# Connect to ResInsight instance
resInsight = rips.Instance.find()
# Get a list of all plots
plots = resInsight.project.plots()
export_folder = tempfile.mkdtemp()
print("Exporting to: " + export_folder)
for plot in plots:
plot.export_snapshot(export_folder=export_folder, output_format="PDF")
if isinstance(plot, rips.WellLogPlot):
Export Snapshots
# This script will export snapshots for two properties in every loaded case
# And put them in a snapshots folder in the same folder as the case grid
import os
import rips
# Load instance
resinsight = rips.Instance.find()
cases = resinsight.project.cases()
# Set main window size
resinsight.set_main_window_size(width=800, height=500)
n = 5 # every n-th time_step for snapshot
property_list = ["SOIL", "PRESSURE"] # list of parameter for snapshot
print("Looping through cases")
for case in cases:
print("Case name: ",
print("Case id: ",
# Get grid path and its folder name
case_path = case.file_path
folder_name = os.path.dirname(case_path)
# create a folder to hold the snapshots
dirname = os.path.join(folder_name, "snapshots")
if os.path.exists(dirname) is False:
print("Exporting to folder: " + dirname)
resinsight.set_export_folder(export_type="SNAPSHOTS", path=dirname)
time_steps = case.time_steps()
print("Number of time_steps: " + str(len(time_steps)))
for view in case.views():
for property in property_list:
result_type="DYNAMIC_NATIVE", result_variable=property
for time_step in range(0, len(time_steps), 10):
Export Well Path Completions
# This script will export completions for a well path for all cases in the project
import os
import rips
# Load instance
resinsight = rips.Instance.find()
cases = resinsight.project.cases()
for case in cases:
print("Case name: ",
print("Case id: ",
Generate Ensemble Of Well Logs
# Load ResInsight Processing Server Client Library
import rips
import tempfile
from os.path import expanduser
from pathlib import Path
# Connect to ResInsight instance
resinsight = rips.Instance.find()
home_dir = expanduser("~")
properties = [
export_folder = tempfile.mkdtemp()
directory_path = "resprojects/webviz-subsurface-testdata/reek_history_match/"
case_file_paths = []
num_realizations = 9
num_iterations = 4
for realization in range(0, num_realizations):
for iteration in range(0, num_iterations):
realization_dir = "realization-" + str(realization)
iteration_dir = "iter-" + str(iteration)
egrid_name = "eclipse/model/5_R001_REEK-" + str(realization) + ".EGRID"
path = Path(
home_dir, directory_path, realization_dir, iteration_dir, egrid_name
for path in case_file_paths:
# Load a case
path_name = path.as_posix()
grid_only = True
case = resinsight.project.load_case(path_name, grid_only)
# Load some wells
well_paths = resinsight.project.import_well_paths(
Path(home_dir, directory_path, "wellpaths", "").as_posix(),
Path(home_dir, directory_path, "wellpaths", "").as_posix(),
if resinsight.project.has_warnings():
for warning in resinsight.project.warnings():
well_log_plot_collection = resinsight.project.descendants(
for well_path in well_paths:
"Generating las file for well: " + + " in case: " + path_name
well_log_plot = well_log_plot_collection.new_well_log_plot(case, well_path)
# Create a track for each property
for prop_type, prop_name, time_step in properties:
track = well_log_plot.new_well_log_track(
"Track: " + prop_name, case, well_path
c = track.add_extraction_curve(
case, well_path, prop_type, prop_name, time_step
parent_path = path.parent
export_folder_path = Path(parent_path, "lasexport")
export_folder_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
export_folder = export_folder_path.as_posix()
Generate Ensemble Surface
# Load ResInsight Processing Server Client Library
import rips
import tempfile
from os.path import expanduser
from pathlib import Path
# Connect to ResInsight instance
resinsight = rips.Instance.find()
home_dir = expanduser("~")
export_folder = tempfile.mkdtemp()
directory_path = "resprojects/webviz-subsurface-testdata/reek_history_match/"
# directory_path = "e:/gitroot/webviz-subsurface-testdata/reek_history_match"
case_file_paths = []
num_realizations = 9
num_iterations = 4
for realization in range(0, num_realizations):
for iteration in range(0, num_iterations):
realization_dir = "realization-" + str(realization)
iteration_dir = "iter-" + str(iteration)
egrid_name = "eclipse/model/5_R001_REEK-" + str(realization) + ".EGRID"
path = Path(
home_dir, directory_path, realization_dir, iteration_dir, egrid_name
k_indexes = [4, 10]
for path in case_file_paths:
# Load a case
path_name = path.as_posix()
case = resinsight.project.load_case(path_name)
if resinsight.project.has_warnings():
for warning in resinsight.project.warnings():
surface_collection = resinsight.project.descendants(rips.SurfaceCollection)[0]
for k_index in k_indexes:
print("Generating surface K layer " + str(k_index) + " for case " + path_name)
surface = surface_collection.new_surface(case, k_index)
print("Surface: ", surface)
parent_path = path.parent
export_folder_path = Path(parent_path, "surfaceexport")
export_folder_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
export_file = Path(export_folder_path, "surf_" + str(k_index) + ".ts")
print("Exporting to " + export_file.as_posix())
# Close project to avoid aggregated memory usage
# Can be replaced when case.close() is implemented
Generate Ensemble Surface Optimized
# Load ResInsight Processing Server Client Library
import rips
import tempfile
from os.path import expanduser
from pathlib import Path
# Connect to ResInsight instance
resinsight = rips.Instance.find()
home_dir = expanduser("~")
export_folder = tempfile.mkdtemp()
directory_path = "resprojects/webviz-subsurface-testdata/reek_history_match/"
# directory_path = "e:/gitroot/webviz-subsurface-testdata/reek_history_match"
case_file_paths = []
num_realizations = 9
num_iterations = 4
for realization in range(0, num_realizations):
for iteration in range(0, num_iterations):
realization_dir = "realization-" + str(realization)
iteration_dir = "iter-" + str(iteration)
egrid_name = "eclipse/model/5_R001_REEK-" + str(realization) + ".EGRID"
path = Path(
home_dir, directory_path, realization_dir, iteration_dir, egrid_name
k_indexes = [4, 10]
command_router = resinsight.command_router
for path in case_file_paths:
path_name = path.as_posix()
command_router.extract_surfaces(path_name, k_indexes)
Grid Information
# This example prints information about the grids of all cases in the current project
import rips
resinsight = rips.Instance.find()
cases = resinsight.project.cases()
print("Number of cases found: ", len(cases))
for case in cases:
grids = case.grids()
print("Number of grids: ", len(grids))
for grid in grids:
print("Grid dimensions: ", grid.dimensions())
Headless Plot Export
import sys
import os
import rips
use_platform_offscreen = True
if use_platform_offscreen:
# To use offscreen, the path to fonts must be specified in the environment variable QT_QPA_FONTDIR="C:/windows/fonts"
resinsight = rips.Instance.launch(
command_line_parameters=["-platform", "offscreen", "--size", 1200, 1000]
qpa_fontdir = os.environ["QT_QPA_FONTDIR"]
print("Environment var QT_QPA_FONTDIR : " + qpa_fontdir)
resinsight = rips.Instance.find()
summary_filename = "NORNE.SMSPEC"
project = resinsight.project
summary_case = project.import_summary_case(summary_filename)
summary_plot_collection = project.descendants(rips.SummaryPlotCollection)[0]
summary_plot_collection.new_summary_plot(summary_cases=[summary_case], address="FOPR")
summary_cases=[summary_case], address="WOPR:A*;WOPR:B*"
plots = resinsight.project.plots()
for plot in plots:
# plot.export_snapshot(output_format="PDF")
Import Case Properties
# This file shows how to import properties for a
# grid case created with .ROFFASC files
# Same procedure can also be used for .GRDECL files
# Access to environment variables and path tools
import os
# Load ResInsight Processing Server Client Library
import rips
# Connect to ResInsight instance
resinsight = rips.Instance.find()
# This requires the TestModels to be installed with ResInsight (RESINSIGHT_BUNDLE_TESTMODELS):
resinsight_exe_path = os.environ.get("RESINSIGHT_EXECUTABLE")
# Get the TestModels path from the executable path
resinsight_install_path = os.path.dirname(resinsight_exe_path)
test_models_path = os.path.join(resinsight_install_path, "TestModels")
# Get the .roff case
roff_case_path = os.path.join(
test_models_path, "reek/reek_box_grid_w_out_props.roffasc"
roff_case = resinsight.project.load_case(roff_case_path)
# PORO and EQLNUM should not be among available properties yet
for prop in roff_case.available_properties("INPUT_PROPERTY"):
# Import properties with file paths
poro_property_path = os.path.join(
test_models_path, "reek/reek_box_PORO_property.roffasc"
eqlnum_property_path = os.path.join(
test_models_path, "reek/reek_box_EQLNUM_property.roffasc"
roff_case.import_properties(file_names=[poro_property_path, eqlnum_property_path])
# PORO and EQLNUM should now be among available properties
for prop in roff_case.available_properties("INPUT_PROPERTY"):
Import Fractures On Well
# Load ResInsight Processing Server Client Library
import rips
import tempfile
from os.path import expanduser
from pathlib import Path
# Connect to ResInsight instance
resinsight = rips.Instance.find()
project = resinsight.project
# Look for input files in the home directory of the user
home_dir = expanduser("~")
stim_plan_file_path = (Path(home_dir) / "contour.xml").as_posix()
print("StimPlan contour file path:", stim_plan_file_path)
# Find a case
cases = resinsight.project.cases()
case = cases[0]
# Create stim plan template
fmt_collection = project.descendants(rips.FractureTemplateCollection)[0]
fracture_template = fmt_collection.append_fracture_template(
well_name = "B-2 H"
# Find a well
well_path = project.well_path_by_name(well_name)
print("well path:",
# Place fracture at given depths
measured_depths = [3200.0, 3400.0, 3600.0]
for measured_depth in measured_depths:
print("Placing fracture at {} depth (MD)".format(measured_depth))
# Create stim plan at a give measured depth
fracture = well_path.add_fracture(
# Update the orientation of the fracture
# Call update() to propagate changes from the Python object back to ResInsight
fracture_template.orientation = "Azimuth"
fracture_template.azimuth_angle = 60.0
fracture_template.user_defined_perforation_length = True
fracture_template.conductivity_type = "InfiniteConductivity"
fracture_template.perforation_length = 12.3
# Scale the template
half_length=2.0, height=2.0, d_factor=1.1, conductivity=1.2
# Output scale factors for all fracture templates
fmt_collection = project.descendants(rips.FractureTemplate)
for fracture_template in fmt_collection:
"Fracture: '{}' Scale factors: Height={} Half Length={} D Factor={} Conductivity={}".format(
Import Thermal Fracture On Well
# Load ResInsight Processing Server Client Library
import rips
import tempfile
from os.path import expanduser
from pathlib import Path
# Connect to ResInsight instance
resinsight = rips.Instance.find()
project = resinsight.project
# Look for input files in the home directory of the user
home_dir = expanduser("~")
fracture_file_path = (Path(home_dir) / "fracture.csv").as_posix()
print("Thermal fracture file path:", fracture_file_path)
# Find a case
cases = resinsight.project.cases()
case = cases[0]
# Create thermal template
fmt_collection = project.descendants(rips.FractureTemplateCollection)[0]
fracture_template = fmt_collection.append_thermal_fracture_template(
well_name = "F-1 H"
# Find a well
well_path = project.well_path_by_name(well_name)
print("Well path:",
# Create fracture and place it using data from the fracture template
fracture = well_path.add_thermal_fracture(
time_steps = fracture_template.time_steps().values
for time_step_index, time_stamp in enumerate(time_steps):
print("Time step #{}: {}".format(time_step_index, time_stamp))
fracture_template.active_time_step_index = time_step_index
fracture_template.conductivity_result_name = "Conductivity"
Import Well Paths And Logs
# Load ResInsight Processing Server Client Library
import rips
# Connect to ResInsight instance
resInsight = rips.Instance.find()
well_paths = resInsight.project.import_well_paths(
if resInsight.project.has_warnings():
for warning in resInsight.project.warnings():
for well_path in well_paths:
print("Imported from folder: " +
well_paths = resInsight.project.import_well_paths(
if resInsight.project.has_warnings():
for warning in resInsight.project.warnings():
for well_path in well_paths:
print("Imported from individual files: " +
well_path_names = resInsight.project.import_well_log_files(
if resInsight.project.has_warnings():
for warning in resInsight.project.warnings():
for well_path_name in well_path_names:
print("Imported well log file for: " + well_path_name)
Input Prop Test Async
# This example generates a derived property in an asynchronous manner
# Meaning it does not wait for all the data for each stage to be read before proceeding
import rips
import time
# Internal function for creating a result from a small chunk of poro and permx results
# The return value of the function is a generator for the results rather than the result itself.
def create_result(poro_chunks, permx_chunks):
# Loop through all the chunks of poro and permx in order
for poroChunk, permxChunk in zip(poro_chunks, permx_chunks):
resultChunk = []
# Loop through all the values inside the chunks, in order
for poro, permx in zip(poroChunk.values, permxChunk.values):
resultChunk.append(poro * permx)
# Return a generator object that behaves like a Python iterator
yield resultChunk
resinsight = rips.Instance.find()
start = time.time()
case = resinsight.project.cases()[0]
# Get a generator for the poro results. The generator will provide a chunk each time it is iterated
poro_chunks = case.active_cell_property_async("STATIC_NATIVE", "PORO", 0)
# Get a generator for the permx results. The generator will provide a chunk each time it is iterated
permx_chunks = case.active_cell_property_async("STATIC_NATIVE", "PERMX", 0)
# Send back the result with the result provided by a generator object.
# Iterating the result generator will cause the script to read from the poro and permx generators
# And return the result of each iteration
create_result(poro_chunks, permx_chunks), "GENERATED", "POROPERMXAS", 0
end = time.time()
print("Time elapsed: ", end - start)
print("Transferred all results back")
view = case.views()[0].apply_cell_result("GENERATED", "POROPERMXAS")
Input Prop Test Sync
# This example generates a derived property in an synchronous manner
# Meaning it completes reading each result before calculating the derived result
# See InputPropTestAsync for how to do this asynchronously instead.
import rips
import time
import grpc
resinsight = rips.Instance.find()
start = time.time()
case = resinsight.project.cases()[0]
# Read poro result into list
poro_results = case.active_cell_property("STATIC_NATIVE", "PORO", 0)
# Read permx result into list
permx_results = case.active_cell_property("STATIC_NATIVE", "PERMX", 0)
# Generate output result
results = []
for poro, permx in zip(poro_results, permx_results):
results.append(poro * permx)
# Send back output result
case.set_active_cell_property(results, "GENERATED", "POROPERMXSY", 0)
except grpc.RpcError as e:
print("Exception Received: ", e)
end = time.time()
print("Time elapsed: ", end - start)
print("Transferred all results back")
view = case.views()[0].apply_cell_result("GENERATED", "POROPERMXSY")
Instance Example
# This example connects to ResInsight
import rips
resinsight = rips.Instance.find()
if resinsight is None:
print("ERROR: could not find ResInsight")
print("Successfully connected to ResInsight")
Launch Load Case Snapshot Exit
# Access to environment variables
import os
# Load ResInsight Processing Server Client Library
import rips
# Connect to ResInsight instance
resinsight = rips.Instance.launch()
# This requires the TestModels to be installed with ResInsight (RESINSIGHT_BUNDLE_TESTMODELS):
resinsight_exe_path = os.environ.get("RESINSIGHT_EXECUTABLE")
# Get the TestModels path from the executable path
resinsight_install_path = os.path.dirname(resinsight_exe_path)
test_models_path = os.path.join(resinsight_install_path, "TestModels")
path_name = os.path.join(
# Load an example case. Needs to be replaced with a valid path!
case = resinsight.project.load_case(path_name)
# Get a view
view1 = case.views()[0]
# Set the time step for view1 only
# Set cell result to SOIL
view1.apply_cell_result(result_type="DYNAMIC_NATIVE", result_variable="SOIL")
# Set export folder for snapshots and properties
resinsight.set_export_folder(export_type="SNAPSHOTS", path="e:/temp")
resinsight.set_export_folder(export_type="PROPERTIES", path="e:/temp")
# Export all snapshots
# Export properties in the view
Launch With Commandline Options
# Load ResInsight Processing Server Client Library
import rips
# Launch ResInsight with last project file and a Window size of 600x1000 pixels
resinsight = rips.Instance.launch(
command_line_parameters=["--last", "--size", 600, 1000]
# Get a list of all cases
cases = resinsight.project.cases()
print("Got " + str(len(cases)) + " cases: ")
for case in cases:
print("Case name: " +
print("Case grid path: " + case.file_path)
Load Case
# Access to environment variables and path tools
import os
# Load ResInsight Processing Server Client Library
import rips
# Connect to ResInsight instance
resinsight = rips.Instance.find()
# This requires the TestModels to be installed with ResInsight (RESINSIGHT_BUNDLE_TESTMODELS):
resinsight_exe_path = os.environ.get("RESINSIGHT_EXECUTABLE")
# Get the TestModels path from the executable path
resinsight_install_path = os.path.dirname(resinsight_exe_path)
test_models_path = os.path.join(resinsight_install_path, "TestModels")
path_name = os.path.join(
case = resinsight.project.load_case(path_name)
# Print out lots of information from the case object
print("Case id: " + str(
print("Case name: " +
print("Case type: " + case.__class__.__name__)
print("Case file name: " + case.file_path)
print("Case reservoir bounding box:", case.reservoir_boundingbox())
timesteps = case.time_steps()
for t in timesteps:
print("Year: " + str(t.year))
print("Month: " + str(t.month))
Modeled Well Path
# Load ResInsight Processing Server Client Library
import rips
# Connect to ResInsight instance
resinsight = rips.Instance.find()
# Create a modeled well path and add well path targets
# The coordinates are based on the Norne case
well_path_coll = resinsight.project.descendants(rips.WellPathCollection)[0]
well_path = well_path_coll.add_new_object(rips.ModeledWellPath) = "Test Well-1"
geometry = well_path.well_path_geometry()
reference_point = geometry.reference_point
reference_point[0] = 457196
reference_point[1] = 7322270
reference_point[2] = 2742
geometry.update() # Commit updates back to ResInsight
# Create the first well target at the reference point
coord = [0, 0, 0]
# Append new well targets relative the the reference point
coord = [454.28, 250, -10]
target = geometry.append_well_target(coord)
coord = [1054.28, 250, -50]
target = geometry.append_well_target(coord)
well_path.append_perforation_interval(3300, 3350, 0.2, 0.76)
# Update skin factor of the perforation
perforation_coll = well_path.completions().perforations()
perforation = perforation_coll.perforations()[0]
new_skin_factor = 0.9
"Changing perforation skin factor from {} to {}.".format(
perforation.skin_factor, new_skin_factor
perforation.skin_factor = new_skin_factor
# Optionally update the completion settings
completions_settings = well_path.completion_settings()
completions_settings.msw_roughness = 12.34
completions_settings.msw_liner_diameter = 0.2222
completions_settings.well_name_for_export = "file name"
completions_settings.group_name_for_export = "msj"
completions_settings.well_type_for_export = "GAS"
completions_settings.update() # Commit updates back to ResInsight
# export completions
cases = resinsight.project.cases()
for case in cases:
print("Case name: ",
print("Case id: ",
well_path_names=["Test Well-1 Y1"],
# Replace the following with a valid path
Modeled Well Path Lateral
# Load ResInsight Processing Server Client Library
import rips
import time
# Connect to ResInsight instance
resinsight = rips.Instance.find()
# Create a modeled well path and add well path targets
# The coordinates are based on the Norne case
# Add a lateral to the main well path
well_path_coll = resinsight.project.descendants(rips.WellPathCollection)[0]
well_path = well_path_coll.add_new_object(rips.ModeledWellPath) = "Test Well-1"
geometry = well_path.well_path_geometry()
reference_point = geometry.reference_point
reference_point[0] = 457196
reference_point[1] = 7322270
reference_point[2] = 2742
geometry.update() # Commit updates back to ResInsight
# Create the first well target at the reference point
coord = [0, 0, 0]
# Append new well targets relative the the reference point
coord = [454.28, 250, -10]
target = geometry.append_well_target(coord)
coord = [1054.28, 250, -50]
target = geometry.append_well_target(coord)
# Create a lateral at specified location on parent well
measured_depth = 3600
lateral = well_path.append_lateral(measured_depth)
geometry = lateral.well_path_geometry()
coord = [770, 280, 50]
target = geometry.append_well_target(coord)
coord = [1054.28, -100, 50]
target = geometry.append_well_target(coord)
coord = [2054.28, -100, 45]
target = geometry.append_well_target(coord)
# Wait 2 second
print("Wait 2 seconds ...")
print("Move reference point of parent well")
geometry = well_path.well_path_geometry()
reference_point = geometry.reference_point
reference_point[2] += 50
geometry.update() # Commit updates back to ResInsight
New Summary Plot
# Load ResInsight Processing Server Client Library
import rips
# Connect to ResInsight instance
resinsight = rips.Instance.find()
# Example code
project = resinsight.project
summary_cases = project.descendants(rips.SummaryCase)
summary_plot_collection = project.descendants(rips.SummaryPlotCollection)[0]
if len(summary_cases) > 0:
summary_plot = summary_plot_collection.new_summary_plot(
summary_cases=summary_cases, address="FOP*"
Open Project
# Access to environment variables and path tools
import os
# Load ResInsight Processing Server Client Library
import rips
# Connect to ResInsight instance
resinsight = rips.Instance.find()
# This requires the TestModels to be installed with ResInsight (RESINSIGHT_BUNDLE_TESTMODELS):
resinsight_exe_path = os.environ.get("RESINSIGHT_EXECUTABLE")
# Get the TestModels path from the executable path
resinsight_install_path = os.path.dirname(resinsight_exe_path)
test_models_path = os.path.join(resinsight_install_path, "TestModels")
path_name = os.path.join(test_models_path, "TEST10K_FLT_LGR_NNC/10KWithWellLog.rsp")
# Open a project
Replace Case
# Load ResInsight Processing Server Client Library
import rips
# Connect to ResInsight instance
resinsight = rips.Instance.find()
# Example code
print("ResInsight version: " + resinsight.version_string())
case =
Save Project
# Access to environment variables and path tools
import os
# Load ResInsight Processing Server Client Library
import rips
# Connect to ResInsight instance
resinsight = rips.Instance.find()
# This requires the TestModels to be installed with ResInsight (RESINSIGHT_BUNDLE_TESTMODELS):
resinsight_exe_path = os.environ.get("RESINSIGHT_EXECUTABLE")
# Get the TestModels path from the executable path
resinsight_install_path = os.path.dirname(resinsight_exe_path)
test_models_path = os.path.join(resinsight_install_path, "TestModels")
path_name = os.path.join(
case = resinsight.project.load_case(path_name)
# Save the project to file
home_dir = os.path.expanduser("~")
project_path = home_dir + "/new-project.rsp"
print("Saving project to: ", project_path)
Selected Cases
# This example returns the currently selected cases in ResInsight
# Because running this script in the GUI takes away the selection
# This script does not run successfully from within the ResInsight GUI
# And will need to be run from the command line separately from ResInsight
import rips
resinsight = rips.Instance.find()
if resinsight is not None:
cases = resinsight.project.selected_cases()
print("Got " + str(len(cases)) + " cases: ")
for case in cases:
for property in case.available_properties("DYNAMIC_NATIVE"):
Selected Cells
# This example prints center and corners for the currently selected cells
# in ResInsight
import rips
resinsight = rips.Instance.find()
if resinsight is not None:
cases = resinsight.project.cases()
print("Got " + str(len(cases)) + " cases: ")
for case in cases:
cells = case.selected_cells()
print("Found " + str(len(cells)) + " selected cells")
time_step_info = case.time_steps()
for idx, cell in enumerate(cells):
"Selected cell: [{}, {}, {}] grid: {}".format(
cell.ijk.i + 1, cell.ijk.j + 1, cell.ijk.k + 1, cell.grid_index
# Get the grid and dimensions
grid = case.grids()[cell.grid_index]
dimensions = grid.dimensions()
# Map ijk to cell index
cell_index = (
dimensions.i * dimensions.j * cell.ijk.k
+ dimensions.i * cell.ijk.j
+ cell.ijk.i
# Print the cell center
cell_centers = grid.cell_centers()
cell_center = cell_centers[cell_index]
"Cell center: [{}, {}, {}]".format(
cell_center.x, cell_center.y, cell_center.z
# Print the cell corners
cell_corners = grid.cell_corners()[cell_index]
print("Cell corners:")
print("c0:\n" + str(cell_corners.c0))
print("c1:\n" + str(cell_corners.c1))
print("c2:\n" + str(cell_corners.c2))
print("c3:\n" + str(cell_corners.c3))
print("c4:\n" + str(cell_corners.c4))
print("c5:\n" + str(cell_corners.c5))
print("c6:\n" + str(cell_corners.c6))
print("c7:\n" + str(cell_corners.c7))
for tidx, timestep in enumerate(time_step_info):
# Read the full SOIL result for time step
soil_results = case.selected_cell_property(
"SOIL: {} ({}.{}.{})".format(
soil_results[idx], timestep.year, timestep.month,
Set Cell Result
# This script applies a cell result to the first view in the project
import rips
resinsight = rips.Instance.find()
view = resinsight.project.views()[0]
view.apply_cell_result(result_type="STATIC_NATIVE", result_variable="DX")
Set Flow Diagnostics Result
# This script applies a flow diagnostics cell result to the first view in the project
# Load ResInsight Processing Server Client Library
import rips
# Connect to ResInsight instance
resinsight = rips.Instance.find()
view = resinsight.project.view(view_id=1)
# view.apply_flow_diagnostics_cell_result(result_variable='Fraction',
# selection_mode='FLOW_TR_INJ_AND_PROD')
# Example of setting individual wells. Commented out because well names are case specific.
injectors=["C-1H", "C-2H", "F-2H"],
producers=["B-1AH", "B-3H", "D-1H"],
Set Grid Properties
# This script sets values for all grid cells in the first case in the project
# The script is intended to be used for TEST10K_FLT_LGR_NNC.EGRID
# This grid case contains one LGR
import rips
resinsight = rips.Instance.find()
case =
grid = case.grid()
grid_cell_count = grid.cell_count()
print("total cell count : " + str(grid_cell_count))
values = []
for i in range(0, grid_cell_count):
values.append(i % 2 * 0.75)
# Assign value to IJK grid cell at (31, 53, 21)
grid = case.grid()
property_data_index = grid.property_data_index_from_ijk(31, 53, 21)
values[property_data_index] = 1.5
print("Applying values to main grid")
case.set_grid_property(values, "STATIC_NATIVE", "MY_DATA", 0)
values_from_ri = case.grid_property("STATIC_NATIVE", "MY_DATA", 0)
assert values[property_data_index] == values_from_ri[property_data_index]
# Get LGR grid as grid index 1
grid = case.grid(1)
grid_cell_count = grid.cell_count()
print("lgr cell count : " + str(grid_cell_count))
values = []
for i in range(0, grid_cell_count):
values.append(i % 3 * 0.75)
print("Applying values to LGR grid")
case.set_grid_property(values, "STATIC_NATIVE", "MY_DATA", 0, 1)
values_from_ri = case.grid_property("STATIC_NATIVE", "MY_DATA", 0, 1)
Soil Average Async
# This example will asynchronously calculate the average value for SOIL for all time steps
import rips
import itertools
import time
resinsight = rips.Instance.find()
start = time.time()
# Get the case with case id 0
case =
# Get a list of all time steps
timeSteps = case.time_steps()
averages = []
for i in range(0, len(timeSteps)):
# Get the results from time step i asynchronously
# It actually returns a generator object almost immediately
result_chunks = case.active_cell_property_async("DYNAMIC_NATIVE", "SOIL", i)
mysum = 0.0
count = 0
# Loop through and append the average. each time we loop resultChunks
# We will trigger a read of the input data, meaning the script will start
# Calculating averages before the whole resultValue for this time step has been received
for chunk in result_chunks:
mysum += sum(chunk.values)
count += len(chunk.values)
averages.append(mysum / count)
end = time.time()
print("Time elapsed: ", end - start)
Soil Average Sync
# This example will synchronously calculate the average value for SOIL for all time steps
import rips
import itertools
import time
resinsight = rips.Instance.find()
start = time.time()
# Get the case with case id 0
case =
# Get a list of all time steps
time_steps = case.time_steps()
averages = []
for i in range(0, len(time_steps)):
# Get a list of all the results for time step i
results = case.active_cell_property("DYNAMIC_NATIVE", "SOIL", i)
mysum = sum(results)
averages.append(mysum / len(results))
end = time.time()
print("Time elapsed: ", end - start)
Soil Porv Async
# This example will create a derived result for each time step asynchronously
import rips
import time
# Internal function for creating a result from a small chunk of soil and porv results
# The return value of the function is a generator for the results rather than the result itself.
def create_result(soil_chunks, porv_chunks):
for soil_chunk, porv_chunk in zip(soil_chunks, porv_chunks):
resultChunk = []
number = 0
for soil_value, porv_value in zip(soil_chunk.values, porv_chunk.values):
resultChunk.append(soil_value * porv_value)
# Return a Python generator
yield resultChunk
resinsight = rips.Instance.find()
start = time.time()
case = resinsight.project.cases()[0]
timeStepInfo = case.time_steps()
# Get a generator for the porv results. The generator will provide a chunk each time it is iterated
porv_chunks = case.active_cell_property_async("STATIC_NATIVE", "PORV", 0)
# Read the static result into an array, so we don't have to transfer it for each iteration
# Note we use the async method even if we synchronise here, because we need the values chunked
# ... to match the soil chunks
porv_array = []
for porv_chunk in porv_chunks:
for i in range(0, len(timeStepInfo)):
# Get a generator object for the SOIL property for time step i
soil_chunks = case.active_cell_property_async("DYNAMIC_NATIVE", "SOIL", i)
# Create the generator object for the SOIL * PORV derived result
result_generator = create_result(soil_chunks, iter(porv_array))
# Send back the result asynchronously with a generator object
result_generator, "GENERATED", "SOILPORVAsync", i
end = time.time()
print("Time elapsed: ", end - start)
print("Transferred all results back")
view = case.views()[0].apply_cell_result("GENERATED", "SOILPORVAsync")
Soil Porv Sync
# This example will create a derived result for each time step synchronously
import rips
import time
resinsight = rips.Instance.find()
start = time.time()
case = resinsight.project.cases()[0]
# Read the full porv result
porv_results = case.active_cell_property("STATIC_NATIVE", "PORV", 0)
time_step_info = case.time_steps()
for i in range(0, len(time_step_info)):
# Read the full SOIl result for time step i
soil_results = case.active_cell_property("DYNAMIC_NATIVE", "SOIL", i)
# Generate the result by looping through both lists in order
results = []
for soil, porv in zip(soil_results, porv_results):
results.append(soil * porv)
# Send back result
case.set_active_cell_property(results, "GENERATED", "SOILPORVSync", i)
end = time.time()
print("Time elapsed: ", end - start)
print("Transferred all results back")
view = case.views()[0].apply_cell_result("GENERATED", "SOILPORVSync")
Summary Cases
# Load ResInsight Processing Server Client Library
import rips
# Connect to ResInsight instance
resinsight = rips.Instance.find()
# Example code
# Specific summary case with case_id = 1
summary_case = resinsight.project.summary_case(case_id=1)
# All summary cases
summary_cases = resinsight.project.summary_cases()
for summary_case in summary_cases:
print("Summary case found: ", summary_case.short_name)
Summary Vectors
import rips
import time
resinsight = rips.Instance.find()
project = resinsight.project
# Use the following commented lines to import a file from disk
# filename = "path/to/file/1_R001_REEK-0.SMSPEC"
# summary_case = project.import_summary_case(filename)
# Assumes at least one summery case loaded with case_id 1
summary_case = project.summary_case(1)
if summary_case is None:
print("No summary case found")
vector_name = "FOPT"
summary_data = summary_case.summary_vector_values(vector_name)
print("Data for summary vector " + vector_name)
time_steps = summary_case.available_time_steps()
summary_data_sampled = summary_case.resample_values("FOPT", "QUARTER")
print("\nResampled data")
for t, value in zip(summary_data_sampled.time_steps, summary_data_sampled.values):
print(time.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y ", time.gmtime(t)) + " | " + str(value))
test_values = summary_data.values
offset = test_values[len(test_values) - 1] / 10
for index, item in enumerate(test_values):
test_values[index] = test_values[index] + offset
summary_case.set_summary_values("FOPT_M1", "myUnit", test_values)
for index, item in enumerate(test_values):
test_values[index] = test_values[index] + offset
summary_case.set_summary_values("FOPT_M2", "myUnit", test_values)
for index, item in enumerate(test_values):
test_values[index] = test_values[index] + offset
summary_case.set_summary_values("FOPT_M3", "myUnit", test_values)
for index, item in enumerate(test_values):
test_values[index] = test_values[index] + offset
summary_case.set_summary_values("FOPT_M4", "myUnit", test_values)
Surface Import
# Load ResInsight Processing Server Client Library
import rips
# Connect to ResInsight instance
resinsight = rips.Instance.find()
print("ResInsight version: " + resinsight.version_string())
# Example code
# get the project
project = resinsight.project
# get the topmost surface folder from the project
surfacefolder = project.surface_folder()
# list of surface files to load
filenames = ["surface1.ts", "surface2.ts", "surface3.ts"]
# Load the files into the top level
for surffile in filenames:
surface = surfacefolder.import_surface(surffile)
if surface is None:
print("Could not import the surface " + surffile)
# add a subfolder
subfolder = surfacefolder.add_folder("ExampleFolder")
# load the same surface multiple times using increasing depth offsets
# store them in the new subfolder we just created
for offset in range(0, 200, 20):
surface = subfolder.import_surface("mysurface.ts")
if surface:
surface.depth_offset = offset
print("Could not import surface.")
# get an existing subfolder
existingfolder = project.surface_folder("ExistingFolder")
if existingfolder is None:
print("Could not find the specified folder.")
View Example
# This example will alter the views of all cases
# By setting the background color and toggle the grid box
# Also clones the first view
import rips
# Connect to ResInsight instance
resinsight = rips.Instance.find()
# Check if connection worked
if resinsight is not None:
# Get a list of all cases
cases = resinsight.project.cases()
for case in cases:
# Get a list of all views
views = case.views()
for view in views:
# Set some parameters for the view
view.show_grid_box = not view.show_grid_box
view.background_color = "#3388AA"
# Update the view in ResInsight
# Clone the first view
new_view = views[0].clone()
new_view.background_color = "#FFAA33"
view.show_grid_box = False